Good Vibes Only
with Veronika Valentine / @Veronikatheheartstomper
Photography by Miles Long / @Mileslong4real
MUA: Wendy Doyle / @Gypsecouture
PR Company: Ratnip / @ratnipproductions
Such an absolute honor to have you on FHM! What are you currently working on? First, it’s truly my pleasure and honor to have this opportunity. This October 2022 as I celebrate my 52nd birthday I am excited to represent all women over 50 and to witness all the incredible opportunities that have never been available before!
We are blown away by your drive and professionalism, can you tell us what some of the things that motivate you to stay on top of your game are? I have simply never had so many opportunities, I am a Pro Wrestler for LFC and WOF 2 Sports Entertainment Leagues, an ambassador for Healthy Male a supplement company, also Performance Tails a company that makes swimmable mermaid tails.
Top 3 best moments of your career? Working with DCTV was the pinnacle and it led me to modeling, wrestling, and being a spokesperson/on-air talent interviewing and becoming friends with iconic names such as Tommy Tutone, Alto Reed, and even Michael Johnson a talented race car driver, they were all such an inspiration! Also, a most empowering and exciting moment was my debut with LFC in October of 2022…

What would you say is your signature look? I don’t have a Signature look. One day I’m a Tom Boy in a ball cap. The next is a sundress with my hair done… My style is eclectic. I think the thing people associate with as far as a signature would be my eyes, smile, and energy…
What is the fastest way to get a smile on your face? Great food and conversation! I’m a foodie putting a bit of love into a meal on a plate is a good way to see my face light up and get me to stop and smell the deliciousness…
What are some of your favorite outdoor activities? Anything outdoors Rawks! Camping, hiking, fishing, blue crabbing, and summer festivals/concerts. Nothing beats a good old backyard bonfire!
3 ultimate deal breakers when it comes to men? Ignorance – A man must be able to hold an intelligent conversation, it’s a turn-on! Be well lived not watching the world just turn because he’s got to keep up with me… Lastly, he must like animals…
Never have I ever… Gone streaking!

Top 3 myth busters when it comes to models? There is a misconception that a model’s life is full of glitz and glamour, we can have anything that we want because of our looks. You don’t have to be tall and skinny to be a professional model. People always seem to think being a model is easy, but it takes work to strike a pose and get the facial expression just right, however, it can be physically challenging as well as fun…
What is the best way to approach you as an admirer? Just say hello. I adore humans and enjoy meeting new faces. My job doesn’t define me I’m just a girl…

Where can our readers catch up with you and stay updated with your work? You can catch up with me on social media soon @Streamofconsciousness, LFC Channel on the Roku Station, website coming soon,, LVTV, or on my days off at Kassi Beach House in Vegas poolside with my feet up…
We are so happy to have gotten to know you a little bit! Any last words out there for our readers? I want to thank your readers for their continued support and interest and God of course. With your support, I was able to realize a childhood dream to become a cover model even if I had to wait until the ripe age of 52. Remember luck is when opportunity meets preparedness, and the world is your oyster so go find your pearls they’re waiting for you…

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