Sultry Surprise
with Siri Dahln / @thesiridahl
Photography by Miles Long / @mileslong4real
MUA Wendy Doyle / @gypsecouture
PR Ratnip Productions / @ratnipproductions
Such an absolute honor to have you on feature FHM! What has your journey as a certified bombshell been like so far? It’s been incredibly fun and satisfying. I get to meet and work with some of the coolest people, travel to interesting places, and best of all, I get to be my own boss.
We are blown away by your drive and professionalism, can you tell us what some of the things that motivate you to stay on top of your game are? I compete with myself and nobody else.
Top 3 best moments of your career? Oh, that’s too hard to pick! Some of my favorite moments though have definitely been the AVN and XBIZ awards show after parties. Things can get a little wild.
What is your favorite chill-time activity? Video games! I love open-world RPGs. One of my all-time favorites is the Horizon Zero Dawn series.

We are taking you out on your ultimate date and we really want to knock this one out of the ballpark, what would that entail? If I really, really like somebody, what we do on a date isn’t nearly as important as what we do after the date. If I already like you, you could me take out for a Costco hot dog and I’d easily have the time of my life. Otherwise, if you just absolutely must impress me on a date, then take me skydiving.
What are, hands down, your absolute favorite things to do? In no particular order: powerlifting, sex, singing karaoke with friends.
3 ultimate deal breakers when it comes to men? Selfishness, lack of empathy, and being too serious.
You have one last chance to do something you have always wanted to do, with no limits on anything, what are you doing? Well obviously, I’m stealing Bezos’ giant dick-shaped spaceship, getting a custom paint job on it so it looks even more literally like a huge penis, and then I’m launching myself up in that thing so I can be the first porn star to penetrate deep space.

Where would you say is your favorite place to be in the world and why? At home with my cats. I travel a lot, so I really value my home time, and I’m a bit of a crazy cat lady.
What is currently playing on loop on your playlist? Fat Tony’s album Exotica.
Where can our readers catch up with you and stay updated with your work? Instagram (@thesiridahl) and OnlyFans (@siridahl) are the best places to keep up with me.
We are so happy to have gotten to know you a little bit! Any last words out there for our readers? I have a free Discord for my fans, and you’re all welcome to join at and share your favorite memes.

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