An Inspiration to All
Meet Katya Bakat, the model who has turned her beauty into a brand. She’s also a talented actress and a fashion, health and fitness blogger.
Were you excited to shoot for FHM? It was really exciting. It’s a legendary world-known magazine with a long history. It’s an honour to be a part of it and have a chance to create a sensual and seductive story, and share it with your readers and audience. I’m grateful for this opportunity. Thank you.
Tell us something surprising about you? I’m a creative person, model, actress, and TV host. But I also have an economic degree and speak three languages, English, Russian and French. Are you surprised enough? I have loads more surprising facts about myself.

Could you describe yourself in one sentence? A girl who creates her own reality by working hard and believing in miracles.
What are some of your hobbies? I turned my hobbies into my new brand “, where I can share my passion, hobbies, knowledge about fashion, a healthy lifestyle and fitness with people.
What is your biggest turn on? Nothing is sexier than an attentive and caring man both in life and in the bedroom. When your man is hot, sexy, and confident but at the same time he is smart, intelligent, has a great sense of humour and looks at you the same way you look at him, with love and passion. I can go on. I find it’s a real turn-on.

What turns you off the most? Disrespect in any way, shape, or form. Dishonesty, arrogance, selfishness. I like real, kind, caring people, who are driven and motivated.
Can you describe your perfect date? There are two types of perfect dates I love. One is a fancy seafood restaurant with a beautiful view, live music, candles, roses and flirting. You are dressed up nicely and glamorous. Everything is chic, expensive, and sophisticated. The other one is totally opposite. At your home, totally casual, Saturday evening, we are barbequing together. We listen to nice music, it’s comforting, simple, and fun. But the most important is what emotions, feelings and vibes you have with your date, either it’s a fancy place or cosy sofa. It’s all about love, joy, positivity, appreciation and care.
What would you consider to be your biggest challenge as a model so far? I’ve been in the fashion industry for many years. There are certain challenges when you are very young and inexperienced. I left my home when I was 15 and started travelling all over the world as a model. It’s hard, scary, and uncertain. You barely speak the language. You have to deal with hundreds of new people in the industry, from models, agents, photographers and designers. You get a lot of rejection. You can become insecure and vulnerable. You are constantly thinking about being slim. You don’t have a stable income. Looking at it now, being a grownup, I’m very grateful and appreciative for my experience, in the modelling industry.

That’s where I learnt how to take care of my body and found my fitness routine and certain nutrition regimen. I got a taste of fashion, I love the beauty world with makeup, hair, styling etc. That’s why I’m so knowledgeable and experienced, and that’s why I want to share it. And coming to the question about the challenges in modeling for me. I look at it wisely now. My life has a lot different directions. I’m an actress, I’m a blogger, I’m a TV Host. So, be the best version of yourself, treat and love yourself. And the challenges if they’re there, just will make you work harder and help you to grow as a person on different levels.
Any last words you would like to share with our readers? Some inspirational and motivational thoughts from me.
Spend time with the people you love. That’s your family and best friends. If you don’t have a family, create one. Most people in life are only visitors. Family is for life.
Take action. Don’t just sit there, do something. Without action, there is no outcome.

Learn every day. You’ve got to train your brain to stay alert. You don’t have to read a book a day to learn every day. Learn from your mistakes. Learn from the people around you — be open to what they can teach you.
Enjoy the small things. I like clichés because they are true. Especially this one. You know why? Everyone says they know it, but no one lives up to it. They just chase big things.
Be grateful. Say ‘thank you’ to everyone and everything. “Thank you for this beautiful day.” “Thank you for your email.” “Thank you for being there for me.”
To be happy, healthy and complete, I believe you need to find a balance in your heart, body and soul.
Follow Katya’s sexy adventures on Instagram @katyabakat for all of her latest news and content updates!
Produced by Craig Peterson – @dreamstatelive
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