A Perfect 10
With Joslyn James / @JoslyJames
Happy to have you featured on FHM! Tell us what are some of the things you did to prepare for this shoot? Well, I always get good sleep, regular facials, and colonics. I think those three things are key.
You’ve got an amazing figure and beauty about you, we’re keen to know what you would say is your favorite physical feature about yourself and why? My best feature in my opinion is my heart. Others say my eyes and my heart and because I have a natural way to make others very comfortable and good about themselves.
Being a glamorous model must have its perks, what are some of your most memorable experiences in your career? I’ve had so many great experiences. My most memorable was walking in a fashion show while I was pregnant then that fall walking in another fashion show with my son in my arms.

What would you say sets you apart? My life experiences and ability to relate to others and compassionate nature.
On the topic of men, what were the complete best, and worst first impressions you’ve got on a first date? I’m a huge stickler on being on time, hygiene, and manners.
What would you say is the most surprising thing about you that not many people know? People think I live the party girl life when I’m sober and a homebody.

If you had to choose, would you say money and wealth determines success, or is it one’s personal achievements and happiness? Personal achievements and happiness is wealth to me.
On a more personal level and in an ideal world, where do you see yourself in five or ten years; time in terms of family, career and life in general.? Well, I’m turning 44 in November. I’ve achieved so much I just want to continue to grow, help others and become a grandmother whenever that happens.
What motivates you the most to keep on doing what you do? My son and those who don’t have the gift of life on this earth.

Any final words to our readers on what to expect from you this year? I’ll continue to give back to my community back grow as a woman and love.
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