The Girl Next Door
with Rachael Cavalli / @officialrachaelcavalli
Photography by Miles / @mileslong4real
MUA: @gypsecouture
PR: @ratnipproductions
Such an absolute honor to have you on feature FHM! What has your journey as a certified bombshell been like so far? Amazing! I have been able to travel all over the world, met great people, and learned so much along the way.
We are blown away by your drive and professionalism, can you tell us what some of the things that motivate you to stay on top of your game are? Well, I strive to be better every day and I have people who depend on me and I don’t like letting others down so it gives me the drive to go harder.
Top 3 best moments of your career? Being able to move to Hollywood California and pursue my dreams, being a cover model for Playboy New Zealand and now becoming a cover model for FHM magazine.
What is your favorite chill time activity? Going to the beach and baking in sun.

We are taking you out on your ultimate date and we really want to knock this one out of the ballpark, what would that entail? Taking me on a jet somewhere warm to go shopping and to an amazing dinner on the beach.
What are, hands down, your absolute favorite things to do? Traveling, shopping, spas and beach.
3 ultimate deal-breakers when it comes to men? Teeth have to be good and not too egotistic.
You have one last chance to do something you have always wanted to do, with no limits on anything, what are you doing? Flying to Somewhere warm and bottle-feeding baby lion cubs and playing with monkeys.

Where would you say is your favorite place to be in the world and why? Anywhere warm on a beach with white sand and clear blue water is my happy place.
What is currently playing on loop on your playlist? I have a lot of Lil Baby on my playlist at the moment.
Where can our readers catch up with you and stay updated with your work? Instagram @officialrachaelcavalli / Twitter @rachaelcavalli and Onlyfans.
We are so happy to have gotten to know you a little bit! Any last words out there for our readers? Live life to the fullest and always pursue your dreams! Also, subscribe to my OnlyFans to stay updated on my current tours near you!

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