Setting the Trend
with Savanna Santos / @savannasantosss
Happy to have you on FHM! Any exciting projects lined up? I’m not working on anything at the moment. I’m hoping in the near future to expand my real estate portfolio. I just have to find the right place.
Best place you have ever been to in the world? I still have so many places in the world that I need to see, but a few of my favorites that I’ve been to so far have been Paris, Tokyo and Cartagena Colombia.

What are some of your biggest dreams you hope to achieve? You know, life has been pretty good to me. I feel like I’m living some people’s dream now. I’d just like to keep things going how they are but maybe with a bit more travel.
What helps you decompress and relax? I love to be by the ocean. That’s always been something so soothing for me, just to walk along the beach and listen to the waves rolling in.

How romantic are you? Lol hmm… well I love someone to do all the cute romantic gestures for me but I’m not great at showing it back.
What is the most memorable date you’ve ever had? It was a private candle-lit dinner on the beach in Thailand. It was so beautiful and romantic!
What makes you the ultimate partner to have? I’m a nurturer. I like to take care of my partner in any way that I can.
Would you rather be loved, respected, or admired? I’d rather be loved.

Are you a city traveler or nature explorer? Definitely more nature explorer. I can do both but if I had to choose I’d be in nature.
What’s on your travel bucket list? Next up I’d like to make a multi-city trip to Lisbon Portugal and Croatia
Where can our readers catch up with you and stay updated with your work? Go to my website and it has all the links where you can find me at

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